KMH Touches Pure Silk Dental Floss 40m floss This product contains no plastic and is therefore safe for the environment. It is not flavoured to prevent changing any lab results for purity of its silk, which is at least 97% pure..
Two x 50 metre spools are significantly larger than other companies offer.Flossing with natural corn floss makes more sense than placing plastic and teflon under the gum line. KMH Touches Flosspot Gold Vegan Floss Refill.
Non toxic stainless is a perfect zero waste packaging for KMH vegan-friendly floss.Flosspot is an innovative solution to plastic waste, buy once and refill for life!Directions: Floss once per day Ingredients: Corn Husk Fibre and Ginger - Mint Flavour KMH Touches Flosspot Gold Vegan Dental Floss.