Do not use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding orare sensitive to pork protein.
Wobenzym® Plus is offered in the form of enteric-coated tablets and provides a specific formulation of proteolytic enzymes to help relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip, and support fast recovery following ankle joint injury. comosus) stem) 135 mg (675 FIP*/ 5 062 500 FCC PU) Trypsin (from porcine (Sus scrofa) or bovine (Bos taurus) pancreas) 72 mg (2160 FIP*/ 172 800 USP trypsin units)Rutoside trihydrate (from Styphnolobium japonicum flower bud) 150 mgCaution: If you have gastrointestinal lesions / ulcers, bleedingdisorders, or are taking anticoagulant / blood thinner, antiinflammatory orantibiotic medications, or are about to have surgery, consult a healthcareprofessional prior to use. This newly formed complex alters the molecular configuration of the a-2-macroglobulin molecule, which results in a change in its affinity to bind certain cytokines.