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Option+ Almagel 200

About The Do not use in conjunction with a tetracycline type of antibiotic.S.Alumina and magnesia oral suspension U

Do not takemore than 16 teaspoonfuls in a 24-hour period.Caution: Do not use for more than 2 weeks or if symptoms reoccur, unless directed by a physician.Individuals with kidney disease, should not take this product without the advice of a physician.Do not take another medication within a two hour period, since the efficacy of the other medication may be modified.Do not use in conjunction with a tetracycline type of antibiotic.Keep out of reach of children.Store under normal conditionsPROTECT FROM FREEZING. Alumina and magnesia oral suspension U.S.P. MINT FLAVOR LIQUID ANTACID SUSPENSIONFor prompt relief of indigestion and heartburn associated with gastric hyperacidity.Directions: SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE, ADULTS: 2 to 4 teasponfuls,3 to 4 times a day, preferably 1 hour after meals and atbedtime, or as directed by a physician.

Antacid & Heartburn

Option+ Almagel 200

Antacid & Heartburn

Specifications of Option+ Almagel 200


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Option+ Almagel 200
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Votes :- 26